Unzoned Commercial Property

539 Rue Bon Secours, Scott, Louisiana, 70501




MLS: 17028-20415

54.31 Acres

What You Should Know

  • Land

  • Close to town

  • Land for sale

  • Flood zone AE

  • Commercial

  • Interstate Frontage

Why You'll Love It

Commercial property in Scott Louisiana with approximately 1400 feet of Interstate 10 frontage, 108
contiguous acres that can be purchased together or separate in two 54-acre tracts. Located west of the Scott
exit and north of Interstate 10 in Lafayette Parish, Scott has a growing population of 9,389. With new economic
development in the restaurants and retail market Scott is growing with the expansion in Lafayette Parish and the
surrounding areas, with $24 million in new developments of major infrastructure. Scott is located near the crossroads of Interstate 10 and Interstate 49. More than 56,000 cars travel through Scott along Interstate 10 daily. Highway 93 and Apollo Road are also major throughfares that move more than 20,000 cars daily. Scott is the Boudin Capital of the World and has received awards for the Cleanest city, the best city in Louisiana to live and the safest city based on the FBI Uniform Crime Report. Scott also has the lowest sales tax and city tax millage in Lafayette Parish.

Where You'll Find It

  • Street Address: 539 Rue Bon Secours
  • City: Scott
  • State: Louisiana
  • County: Lafayette

Dave Fisher
